Gary LeVox Says Memorial Day Took on a Whole New Meaning When Rascal Flatts Went to Iraq


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Well these guys look familiar. 😉 #FlatFlatts #Repost @garylevox Then there were 6😜

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Gary Levox does the same thing every Memorial Day. It has nothing to do with firing up the grill, but everything to do with what the holiday is all about. He says, quote, “Memorial Day has always meant something special to me.

“My cousin and some of my really, really good friends fought in the first Desert Storm. I talk to them every Memorial Day . . . and my grandfather was in the service and, you know, my wife’s grandfather, they all fought in World War II.”

He says things changed even more for him when Rascal Flatts performed in Iraq back in 2005.

“You never know the price of freedom until you stand in the middle of a combat zone in a foreign country with 18 and 19-year-old kids that are absolute studs. They are the true [core] of what red, white and blue means.

“And that was something that I’ll never forget. And so from that day on Memorial Day even meant more to me.”








Featured Image: (Photo by Rick Diamond/Getty Images for CMT)