28 Things To Keep You Going When Life Gets You Down

Life is hard.


Some days are good, some not so much. On the days that your world comes crashing down, you need to remember the little things. The little things are what will help you keep on moving on when you need an extra push…

1. Playing your favorite song over and over again.

2. Picking flowers for yourself.

3. Going on a long walk with no time limit.

4. Changing your sheets.

5. Bonfires.

6. Cuddling with your pet.

7. Long walks on the beach.

8. Sunrise/Sunset

9. Night swim.

10. Homemade facials and painting your nails.

11. The smell of rain outside.

12. Heart to heart talks.

13. A good cry.

14. Rocking out to a throwback song.

15. Home videos or old pictures.

16. Long drives with the windows down.

17. Wine night. Beer night. Margarita night. Alcohol night.

18. A big hug at just the right time.

19. The smell of breakfast cooking in the morning.

20. The genuine happiness you get from making other people happy.

21. Fresh vegetables.

22. A solid 8 hours of sleep.

23. Scoring a big deal at your favorite store.

24. The feeling you have after a really good workout.

25. Day drinking.

26. Finding out you actually didn’t spend all your money last night.

27. Getting a package in the mail.

28. Jumping in bed after a long hard day.

The list could go on forever. Just always remember the little things folks!


(CREDIT: whiskeyriff.com)